Sophia Wilde

Name: Sophia Wilde
Race: Viera Rava
Age: young adult
Height: Very Tall.
Relationship: Single. (Leans more interested in women or trans-women with relationships. As for dates she is open for anyone.)
Sexual Orientation: Pan.Job: Sophia is a Chef and masseuse
Residence: Her business and home is located in Ul'dah residential district apartments. (Goblet, Ward 14 apartment 11 Subdivision.)

IC Info:
This young Viera was just coming of age within her tribe when a raiding party from the empire swept her up with others. Before anything vile could happen, she escaped and was trying to make her way home.
Once in Ul’Dah she found a friendly face. A Viera who offered her a way to make gil and help her find her way home. This turned out to be a trick and forced into becoming a escort/courtesan in the Vieras employ. Sophia eventually escaped, but was too embarrassed of what her life had become so chose not to return home and stayed in Ul'Dah.She worked as a courtesan willingly after all that for a high end brothel because it was something she knew and was good at, but since retired and started a career as a chef and masseuse for her own business Wilde Times. Offering massages, spa and available as a private chef.OOC INFO:
EST time zone.
Up for most RP. including slice of life, business RP, Dating and relationship RP, Dark, etc. Will entertain ERP but as part of normal rp. I do not do walkup one offs.